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سفارة الجزائر بجمهورية فنلندا

Embassy of Algeria to Finland
الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية
People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Biometric Passport and ID card


If you need a new passport or ID card, please read the instructions below.


Biometric Passport / ID Card

The application file for the biometric passport should contain the following documents :

  • A valid Consular card along with a copy

  • Original passport with a valid proof of residence (Asuinpaikkatodistus)

  • The application form correctly filled and then signed. (Formulaire passport & ID)

  • The original 12S birth certificate (Please make sure to match the marginal data with applicant’s civil status)

  • 04 photographs, size 4.5 x 3.5 cm, identical, colored and clear with a white background

  • Work certificate or a current scholar certificate for the students

  • Passport Fee (28 pages) : 60€ in cash / 30€  for students and minors under 19 years old.

  • Passport Fee (48 pages) : 120€ in cash only.

– Click here to see the Photo Standards for children under 12. Normes_des_photographies

– In case of loss or theft, a statement issued from the local police services is required

Lost, stolen or damaged passport / ID 

  • Any loss, theft or damage of documents issued by the Algerian authorities must be declared to the Embassy’s Consular Service. Please fill and sign this form and send it to the Embassy.

  • The presence of the person concerned is mandatory. He/She must provide an identity document proving his Algerian nationality and a loss declaration issued by the local police noting the circumstances of the loss/theft.

  • Renewal of lost, stolen or damaged passport is subject to the payment of a fee of one hundred (100) euros, in addition to the stamp duty set at 60 euros, a total of 162 euros, and a fee of ten (10) euros for the National Biometric Identity Card (new provisions of the Finance Act 2017, Articles 18 and 21, Official Journal No. 77).

  • If you need to return to Algeria without a proper ID or passport, please see the page on Travel Document / Laisser-Passez


ID Card Online application via this link ⇐

Contact and payment info


  • Opening hours for Passport services: 14:00 – 17:00 from Monday to Thursday.

     Please book an appointment via this link ⇐

  • Payments, we accept only CASH